Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Stephen's Christmas Present!

Steve and I went to see Broadway Across America's performance of RAIN: a tribute to the Beatles! I didn't realize what a killer deal we got until we got to the performance! A gentleman behind us asked what we had paid for our tickets and we told him 24.30 a piece. He quickly added that up to 48.60 for the both of us and said "How'd you do that? I paid 80 and I'm behind you!" I told him about our health insurance benefit of "Life Balance" that gives all sorts of deals, like this one!

The show was great. Lots of well known Beatles songs, great engagement with the audience. Super fun. I think we decided we would go again if we could! Sorry no pictures of the show! You know how theaters are these days!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Let it snow...

BRRR! It is cold here! It wasn't supposed to snow today but it did!

This is our tree in the front yard. With some snow flakes.
The wire above my house. with some snow flakes.
Stephen's car. With some snow flakes.

The front tree... with some snowflakes. :) The dogs were't very cooperative with the picture taking. But, I'll try again tomorrow.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Santa's coming to town!!!

I can't quite see past sunflare... who is that handsome devil!
Oh no! Now he's in the shadows...
Only a smidge of his face can I see... Can it be?

I don't believe it! It's Santa Claus!!!
"That was a very long night in the sleigh" he says. "So I took my trusty steed out for a ride for a little me time!"*Steve says he was honked at and even got a fist raised at him as he rode around town today! Crazyness!

Christmas Presents!

**So the video and sound don't really match up - Sorry! I'll try better next time!**

After Steve got home from work, we opened all our Christmas presents! Thank you so much for all your love and gifts this year!

Now it's off to watch Mythbusters and maybe some Buffy the Vampire Slayer!