Saturday, August 14, 2010

GFU Rally Ride 2010

Every two years George Fox University puts on a Rally ride for Alumni and Friends that opens up an opportunity to ride with others and hear a "alumni spiel."

In the slide show are some pictures of us on the ride. We had a fun time and met some people that live and work around Newberg. It was our first Rally ride!

Suggestions for next time: Get off more often for stretching, use a camelback for more intake of water (It was 99 degrees out!), Less up and down hills (we're cruisers not sports bikes!).

But a splendid time was guaranteed for all.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Steve and I took a trip out to Sister's Oregon today on the motorcycle. It was probably the longest ride we've been on together!

We started out this morning around 10am and headed down to Salem. Exiting onto the OR-22. We made several stops along the way (those are in the pictures).

When we arrived at Sisters we realized that there was a little car show going on! So we stopped and looked at all the cars! As we were meandering around we realized that there were a LOT of motorcycles around Sisters... We over heard someone say there was a rally going on. Turns out there was a BMW rally going on in Redmond. They were all passing through Sisters and using it for a stopping place!

Enjoy the pictures! Sorry there weren't more of us! Next time!


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Renovation Part 2

Hello all! What a weekend! Steve taught a class on Saturday while I sent to Ikea to get some goodies for the home. After a massive amount of work... we now have new floor in our living room! We'll give you the play by play at a later time... now it is time for sleep!

Monday, June 21, 2010

What's missing from this picture?

So... the DIY network is dangerous. If you have talked to me in the past couple of weeks you'll have heard that we have been watching the DIY network quite a bit. Well, Steve has become passioned about making some changes around the home. WOW.

So he tackled the first thing today!

He took out our little fireplace (that we never use) and we put it on Craigslist. Now to the list of home improvement projects:

Take out the brick background behind where the fireplace was
Put in floor to ceiling book shelves along that same wall
Add a deck to our back yard right behind the house
Add a patio behind the garage
Finish painting the windows and garage trim
Take out carpet in living room - install wood (or laminate flooring)
Repave Driveway and create actual driveway
Take out grass on the side of house and side of garage - replace with pea gravel
Clean gutters and repair
Repair and replace fence posts
Drywall the inside of the garage
Take out the 4x4 posts in back yard
Replace fan in bathroom
Recaulk tub
Take out sofit lighting in living room and kitchen
Replace lighting in living room and kitchen
New kitchen floor
New Siding
Create a window from kitchen to living room
Expand bedroom into 2nd bedroom and create a walk in closet

Umm... We have a lot to do. Guess we are going to stick around here for a while!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


We arrived at the Oregon Convention Center around 8:45am and parted our separate ways - me to the "Graduates section" and Steve to the "visitors section." I got to meet a few people from the online forums and realized the great numbers of people that were getting this degree!

This was Marylhurst's 116th commencement ceremony - and the largest one they had! There were 4 speakers, The president and three student speakers. One of the student speakers was pretty incredible. He started his 2 year program as he was in the Navy and posted from 5 out of 7 continents and from all 7 of the oceans! WOW. Pretty incredible.

Anyway, it was a pretty good ceremony and on August 28th I'll really be able to celebrate it!

Here's some pictures that Steve and Kristi took!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day off Ride

What a day off!

We started off (see previous post) heading to Portland to see where we needed to go on Saturday...but after that we drove up to 23rd St (kind of an upscale bohemian hang out) and wandered through a toy store and looked at the shops. Driving in Portland is a little tougher than driving in Newberg!

We then took Burnside up over the hills headed toward the 26 and Hillsboro Beaverton areas. This long part of the ride was riddled with stop signs and traffic, but gave us quite a few windy roads to enjoy.

We made it out to the Streets of Tanasbourne and Motosports Hillsboro and looked at some shoes and a new bike for Steve.

Lots of windy roads back and forth through Hillsboro and then over the Chehalem Mountain for a total of 75 miles. We'll need some more practice to get ready for our Alumni Ride in August!

View Larger Map

What's This!!!???!!!!

From What's this
Well, Steve and I took a trip up to Portland today to visit where I will be graduating on Saturday. Oh - Did I not tell you that? hmm. Well, I kind of didn't tell many people that I was going back to school, again. I chose an online MBA program through Marylhurst University located here in Oregon. It was an 18 month program, focusing in on Non-Profit Business. I have 2 classes left (Starting June 21st - August 28th) but am graduating this weekend because I didn't want to put it off until December.

Steve has helped me a bunch through this degree (as he did with my doctorate). I am so thankful that he is in my life and that he supports my addiction to taking classes!

I am getting ready to sign up for a new thing - Certificates! Basically it is school without getting a degree - so it is cheaper and more focused instead of general. The first program is through Capella University and in Diversity Studies. I'd then like to go on into Human Resources, Addictions Counseling, Art Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorders (some of these are through other schools though).

I'll post some pictures of the graduation and make sure to send you the link if you want to buy pictures. :)


Monday, May 31, 2010



Just checking out a new thing with Picasa!
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Trip to the land of sun!

We didn't take the motor cycle down but once we he hit Highway 1 we kind of wish we did!

We started out Wednesday night around 6pm after Tara got off work. Planned to go through the night for our "13.5 hour" drive (or so mapquest said!)We started tracking our mileage and mpg on our itouch after Steve filled up our tank.

We got ourselves to San Jose, Ca at 6am where we stopped at Denny's. According to Mapquest... we should have been just an 1.5 hours away from home! -- Oh well! At this point we had spent $50 on gas and traveled 500 miles putting us at roughly 31.22mpg. We decided to take a detour off of the 5 interstate and head over to the Highway 1 for the scenic route!

Highway 1 provided us with ample curves and turns that made Steve want to come down here again with his motorcycle to ride (on possibly a bigger motorcycle)! Many of the pictures in our slide show are from this part of the drive. We stopped in Sand City (near Seaside) and stopped on the beach for a bit. I got a call from a co-worker who was asking me if I was going to be at a meeting on Thursday morning - I sent him a text with a picture of me and Steve on the beach and hoped he got the message.

We stopped on the beach near San Simeon to see the Elephant seals. They were so huge and loud! And smelly! They were in the middle of molting season and I caught a couple of males jostling for position on the beach and in the water.

Highway 1 should have taken us approximately 4.5 hours to get to my mom's house. We ended up arriving at 1:30pm to Grover Beach. Having filled up another 3 times for a total of 323 more miles at $29.75.

Once we arrived we were greeted by my mom, gromit and fatties Pizza (Which was delicious)! We stuck around my mom's house for a bit and then headed out to dinner with my grandmother. We ate at F.McLintocks (Yum).

The Plan for the weekend was for us to meet up for Lunch with my mom and brother (we ate at Huckleberry's - a southern restaurant)and then to see Iron Man 2. Pretty good movie!

Saturday we headed to the Strawberry Festival in Old town Arroyo Grande - Which sadly has been commercialized pretty extremely! I didn't see hardly any strawberry themed items!!! Shoot!

We headed back to Newberg after dinner at the Olive Garden with My mom and Brother (Sean's Treat!) at about 9:40pm. We traveled 174miles between our last fill up and leaving Grover Beach. Which pulled our mpg down to 26.76.

The ride back to Oregon was uneventful - except for a stop off at the Rogue River Cafe which was a cute little spot to have biscuits and gravy and french toast.

Total miles back was 605 at the time of last refuel (we haven't had to refuel it since we got back yet) for a trip back cost of 54.78.

Our total trip miles was 1613 Miles using approximately 51.94 gallons - roughly $.098 per mile a total of 31.06 miles per gallon.

Steve drove 31 hours out of the total 37 hours. What an amazing guy! Glad we headed back on Saturday night cause he needed all of Monday to recoup!

Enjoy the slide show!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Vacation Day

So Steve and I capped out on our vacation hours... so in order to keep earning them we have to start using them. So we took a vacation toady! The weather was nice... well clear anyway... but it was pretty cold!

We headed out to the beach (Lincoln City and Depoe Bay) our usual haunts when we head out that way. We stopped at the casino and lost 10.00 - but had a good time. And stopped at the "60's diner" for lunch. Then it was off to Depoe Bay where we wandered the store fronts and picked up a couple of stickers for our helmets.

We met some new friends while we were out too!

Enjoy the pics!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Olympics!

What an awesome trip!!!

We had a fantastic time. We met some neat people, got through crowded areas and saw a great hockey game.

We didn't include all the hockey pictures - it would have been a 16 min slide show... but if you want to see more I'll put them up on picasa.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow Camp

So I can't put many of the Snow Camp pictures up on our site because of the kids releases etc... But here are some of my staff and me having an awesome time!!!

This weekend is exactly why I do what I do. My kiddos did awesome!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Our trip to Washington!

Not too many pictures though! Sorry!

We spent some time at Stephen's brother's house for New Years. There were HOURS of Beatles rock band and a couple of rounds of Apples to Apples.

New Years Day night we went to the Skagit Casino and won $60 dollars! WoooT! Thanks Washington!

The rest of the weekend was spent hanging around with family and a wonderful Mary Kay party with my Mother in law, Susan!

What a great Vacation!