Monday, June 21, 2010

What's missing from this picture?

So... the DIY network is dangerous. If you have talked to me in the past couple of weeks you'll have heard that we have been watching the DIY network quite a bit. Well, Steve has become passioned about making some changes around the home. WOW.

So he tackled the first thing today!

He took out our little fireplace (that we never use) and we put it on Craigslist. Now to the list of home improvement projects:

Take out the brick background behind where the fireplace was
Put in floor to ceiling book shelves along that same wall
Add a deck to our back yard right behind the house
Add a patio behind the garage
Finish painting the windows and garage trim
Take out carpet in living room - install wood (or laminate flooring)
Repave Driveway and create actual driveway
Take out grass on the side of house and side of garage - replace with pea gravel
Clean gutters and repair
Repair and replace fence posts
Drywall the inside of the garage
Take out the 4x4 posts in back yard
Replace fan in bathroom
Recaulk tub
Take out sofit lighting in living room and kitchen
Replace lighting in living room and kitchen
New kitchen floor
New Siding
Create a window from kitchen to living room
Expand bedroom into 2nd bedroom and create a walk in closet

Umm... We have a lot to do. Guess we are going to stick around here for a while!


  1. That is a project list that a man can sink his teeth into. How are you going to get some motorcycle rides in with that list to work on. Good luck, those are some great projects.

  2. Tell me about it! I'm afraid we're going to lose all our sunny days to building this stuff! :(
